Show post purchase upsell offer ?

You can easily show Post Purchase Upsell Offers . follow the steps given bellow.

  1. Go to Checkout Extension Pro app dashboard and click on Post Purchase page Manage button.

  1. Then the first thing to do is Enable Post Purchase page from checkout setting. please see the screenshot bellow.

    Then scroll up ans select Checkout Extension and save .

  1. Then back to the Checkout Extension Pro app and Enable Post purchase page. then select triggers like . show this widget to all customers or subscribed customers only etc. then click on next button.

  2. Then set Heading and Description.

Note - You can see the preview on the right sidebar.

  1. If you want to show this offer for a limited time then you can also set the time.

  1. Then you can select product which you want to show on post purchase and also you can set discount based on "compair at price".

  2. You can then also set the product title and description as per your choice. And may also charge for shipping or offer free shipping. Then finnaly save you changes.

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